Friday, 19 October 2012

What Things that kills off Attraction

Hey guys, its been a long time since I write a blog. I had vacation and nothing happened with my love life. So yea, I've got no material to write. And damn, I missed writing all about this blog.

now that you guys know that how to spark attraction... Easy wasn't it? So now let's talk about what kills attraction. Surely you do not want to kill off what you had build. To avoid this, you just have to be aware of this.

Needy is actually the dumbest mistake average Joe will EVER make. Like EVER.... Needy comes from insecurity which means that you will think of needing that person. A great example of this is one-itis. It's a condition where you think that she/he is the only person in this Fucking Earth that you only wants.
Well one-itis itself is not bad, BUT extreme one-itis IS bad. 
A good example will be like

"Hey (girl) have u eaten your lunch?"
"(The girl doesn't give a fuck and not replying)"
"Hey why don't u reply to my text :) ?"
"(Again,, not a single fuck is given that day)"

Knowing his text is not being replied, he called the girl
"Uhh hi, I sent you a text but you didn't reply it... What are u doing right now?"

After this he sent ANOTHER fucking text
"Uh sorry, I'm just worried about you.. I won't text you if you feel unhappy... Hope you always be happy :)"
And BOOM, congrats, he just enter a friendzone...

Anyway that's what needy behavior looks like... It kills a fucking attraction and irritates you like FUCK... So the next time you feel needy, go and do something else,,, play games, read comics, whatever as long as its not needy

Q : I want to give her a present!! Why Can't I do that?
A : Yes you can.. go ahead and give her
Q : But you said prize kills attraction?
A : Yes it kills, ONLY if you do it early and too often
Q : @_@

Okay, if you guys don't understand that, thats okay... Because me the nice will explain it again... Basically it's when you are seeing someone and you give a present TOO much and very often.
Why is it not good? Because to her it feels like you are buying their love with present. I personally used to do that when I was still a Fucking Chump... what I did to her was buy a present 1 month after we going out. Then buy another when she was about to go overseas. Then another after she return from oversea. Then another when she had a birthday. Then another when she pass her exam,,,, And so on..
You see, besides it is bad for your wallet, it is bad for your attraction too. She become less responsive from each present you gave and made her uncomfortable especially when you have not going out yet.

This apply to the boys only. If you are a girl and seeing somebody, just skip this part as girl was not made to LEAD... Boys, if you have not been leading, then you are in the deepest shit EVER... because you are not attractive to girl at all.
Girl ask "Where should we eat our lunch?"
Boy said " Up to you"
Girl ask " So what should we order?"
Boy said "Up to you"
Girl said "So where should we go after this?"
Boy said "Up to you"

Bear in mind UNLESS you are in a fucking television drama where the girl is madly fucking in love with you that it made you looks ultra cool and mysterious,,, it WILL NOT WORK IN THE REAL LIFE... In real life, the girl will slap you in the face and throw you to the fish pond... Well not like that but they will get ultra turn off. Not only you can't lead, you are a boring guy too. What challange and adventure she will get from you?? NONE

The next time girl ask you questions like that,, just answer it confidently. Girls prefer SO MUCH to eat in a restaurant that sell dog shit but it is the boy that chose it, rather than in restaurant that sell princess food but she has to choose it herself. Remember,, Boys are meant to LEAD..

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